Don’t Be a Victim of AirTag Tracking! Here’s How to Protect Yourself


AirTags are small, Bluetooth-enabled tracking devices that can be attached to keys, wallets, luggage, or other items. They can be used to help you find lost items, but they can also be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.

In recent months, there have been reports of people being tracked by AirTags without their knowledge. This is a serious privacy concern, and it’s important to know how to protect yourself.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how AirTags work, how to tell if you’re being tracked by an AirTag, and how to protect yourself from AirTag tracking.

How Air Tags Work?

AirTags use a combination of Bluetooth and Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology to track their location. Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that is used to connect devices to each other. UWB is a newer technology that allows for more precise location tracking.

When an AirTag is separated from its owner, it will start emitting a Bluetooth signal. If an iPhone or other Apple device comes within range of the AirTag, the device will be able to detect the signal and send an alert to the owner of the device. The alert will say “AirTag Found Moving With You.”

The AirTag will also use UWB technology to provide more precise location information to the iPhone or other Apple device. This allows the device to show the AirTag’s location on a map.

How to Tell if You’re Being Tracked by an AirTag?

AirTags can be used to help you find lost items, but they can also be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.

If you’re concerned that you might be being tracked by an AirTag, there are a few things you can do to check.

Check your iPhone for alerts. If an AirTag that’s not yours is moving with you for an extended period of time, your iPhone may send you an alert. The alert will say “AirTag Found Moving With You.”

Look for a white dot on your iPhone. If an AirTag is nearby, your iPhone will show a white dot on the map in the Find My app.

Scan for AirTags with the Find My app. You can also scan for Air Tags by opening the Find My app and tapping on the “Items” tab. If an AirTag is nearby, it will show up in the list of items.

Listen for a sound. AirTags emit a sound every 90 minutes if they’re separated from their owner. If you hear a strange sound coming from your belongings, it could be an AirTag.

How to Protect Yourself from AirTag Tracking?

AirTags work by emitting a Bluetooth signal. If an AirTag is nearby an iPhone or other Apple device, that device will be able to detect the signal and send an alert to the owner of the device. The alert will say “AirTag Found Moving With You.”

If someone wants to track you with an AirTag, they can attach the AirTag to something you’re likely to take with you, such as your keys or your backpack. Once the AirTag is attached, it will start emitting a Bluetooth signal. If you have an iPhone or other Apple device, you will eventually receive an alert that an AirTag is moving with you.

What to Do If You Find an AirTag Tracking You?

If you find an AirTag that you don’t recognize, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Check your Find My app. If you have an iPhone or other Apple device, open the Find My app and see if it’s showing any unknown AirTags. If it is, you can tap on the AirTag to see more information about it, including its serial number and the last time it was seen.
  2. Disable the AirTag. If you find an AirTag that you don’t recognize, you can disable it by pressing and holding the button on the back until it flashes amber. This will stop the AirTag from emitting a Bluetooth signal and tracking your location.
  3. Remove the AirTag. If you can safely remove the AirTag from your belongings, do so. You can then dispose of the AirTag properly.
  4. Report the AirTag to Apple. If you find an AirTag that you believe is being used to track you, you can report it to Apple. Apple will then investigate the matter and take appropriate action.
  5. Contact the police. If you believe that you are being tracked by someone using an AirTag, you should contact the police. The police can help you to investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

AirTag tracking is a serious issue, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. By following the tips in this blog post, you can help to keep your privacy safe.

If you think you’re being tracked by an AirTag, it’s important to take action. You can disable the AirTag, remove it from your belongings, and report it to Apple. You can also contact the police if you feel you’re in danger.

We hope this blog post has helped you to understand how AirTags work and how to protect yourself from AirTag tracking. Thank you for reading!

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